PJC サーティファイ

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ビジネス能力認定 サーティファイ




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Test date We are currently not accepting applications for the exam.
Test areas Undecided
Scope of Questions Part 1. Basic Knowledge Section (30 minutes)
Part 2. Case Studies Section (50 minutes)
Exam Fee 4,900 yen (incl. tax)
Register for the PJC
  1. Please click on "REGISTER NOW" button below
  2. Registration Form will open.
  3. Please enter your name and address details etc. into the Registration Form.
  4. You will receive a Exam Admission Ticket before 10 days of the exam date.
  5. On the exam date, please bring your Exam Admission Ticket.

What is the Practical Japanese Communication (PJC) Exam?

What kind of exam is this?

This exam measures the correct use of Japanese and the practical communication ability required in the Japanese workplace and for daily life in Japan. Those who have some knowledge of Japanese will see their communication skills progress one step further.

What are its benefits?

You can get a better idea of your own conversational level. You can also learn about the unique corporate customs and business etiquette of Japan.

Which fields or occupations can make best use of this?

Those in the service industry, IT engineers, retail staff, technical developers, sales personnel, administrative workers, nurses, and more. The exam is useful even for part-time workers, such as restaurant or convenience store employees.

How does it differ from other Japanese language tests?

Q.1 Can it be used in conjunction with other tests?

A.1 Yes, it can. Based on the assumption that the student has already acquired some degree of competence with vocabulary and grammar, the Practical Japanese Communication (PJC) Exam contains questions that test the communication skills and business etiquette required at Japanese companies both domestic and overseas, as well as in everyday life in Japan. Combining this with existing Japanese language tests allows us to measure the student's Japanese capabilities more comprehensively.

Q.2 How does it differ from the Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT)?

A.2 The Practical Japanese Communication Exam includes questions about communicative behavior in response to specific situations in different circumstances. It also measures the student's level of understanding of basic business etiquette and the approach to work at Japanese companies.

Q.3 Is there any correlation with the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)?

A.3 A certain amount of correlation has been observed in monitoring test results (*see graph below). Those who hold a higher-level certification from the Japanese Language Proficiency Test tend to achieve higher levels in the Practical Japanese Communication Exam. However, it is not uncommon for even holders of an N1 or N2 level JLPT qualification to achieve only a D level in the PJC, while holders of an N3 level JLPT qualification may achieve a B level in the PJC. We believe this is because the PJC, which emphasizes communication skills, has its own independent metrics. In order to achieve a higher level in the PJC, students must have not only language expertise such as grammar, but also the skills required for practical communication in Japanese.

Sample Problems

Part1. 基礎知識編とPart2. 事例編(聴解/聴読解)の2部構成で日本語コミュニケーション能力を問います。


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