PJC サーティファイ

  • よくある質問
  • お問い合わせ
  • ログイン
  • 資料請求はこちら

ビジネス能力認定 サーティファイ




About PJC

Scope of Questions

Part Question items Details
Part 1.
Basic Knowledge Section
(30 minutes)
1 1. Mental attitude as a full member of society
Theme 1: Awareness required as an employee
Theme 2: Required business etiquette
Theme 3: Importance of communication within a company
2 2. Creating interpersonal relationships
・Points to keep in mind when communicating
・Conveying information effectively
・Receiving and confirming business-related instructions
・Providing verbal feedback
・Communication specific to Japanese culture
・Honorific language
・Assembling a story
・Declining requests
3 3. Proceeding with work efficiently
Theme 1. Reporting, communication, and consultation
Theme 3. Prioritizing work tasks
Theme 5. Using the telephone
Theme 7. Exchanging business cards
Theme 2. PDCA
Theme 4. Receiving visitors
Theme 6. Appointments
Theme 8. Email
Part 2.
Case Studies Section
(50 minutes)
1 Receiving visitors
2 Using the telephone
3 Reporting, communication, and consultation
4 Visiting other companies
5 Entertaining clients & hospitality
6 Responding to complaints
7 Meetings
8 Interviews


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